Day Nine - 366 miles
*** I have completed Leg One of my journey! ***
Today was a pretty uneventful but pleasant drive through West Virginia, and then Virginia.
The countryside here "feels" steeped in history. Names like Monticello, Appomattox, and Shenandoah all stir something deep inside, or perhaps it's just a remnant or ghost of another memory or maybe even a past life, if that doesn't sound too melodramatic. There's something very ancient about these forests here - old growth, deciduous trees, with deep green river canyons and the most lush undergrowth all along their banks, hiding who knows what.
The vistas here in the Blue Ridge/Appalachian Mountains are stunning and surreal.
The road almost all day long, and practically the entire way to Richmond is tree-lined. Really deep, dark forests.
As we got close to Richmond, and the east coast, I thought of my late friend Brian again. The forests and trees just had that wistful quality to them....it was hard not to let one's mind wander. I wondered if he had ever driven through here? Most people's first taste of America is somewhere along the eastern seaboard....I wondered where? I was listening to "Going Home (theme from Local Hero)" by Mark Knopfler as I pondered these things.
I was looking forward to seeing Mat and Kelly, too. After all, they were about to embark on the same journey I had just completed, only in reverse. They would be coming out to California in a few weeks. I would have to recommend Highway 50 to them, at least for part of their journey, time permitting.
I was also looking forward to not driving for a few days. It is hard going. Not any harder than I thought...I kind of knew it would be a little difficult. Nonetheless, it would be nice to stop for a day or two and "recharge" the auld body.
As the road suddenly widened and got busier, I was on the outskirts of Richmond, Virginia. My friend Becky's trusty GPS was doing a good job of guiding me along the right turns and exits. As I drove along the side streets, "Turn right here," and so on, things started to look vaguely familiar - I had been here once before.
Suddenly the GPS said, "Veer right ahead, and you have arrived at your destination." I did as it said, and had a recognition of where I was: this nice old historic street in Richmond. I looked at one house, then the next. Then I saw Mat opening the upstairs window with Kelly at his side. I had arrived!
Soon enough, I was sitting in the kitchen, with the two of them and their two young boys. Wyatt, age 6, "sort of" remembered me from two years ago, although over the next day or two he would recall it a bit better. I remember how two years at that age is such an incredibly long time.
I also got to meet Arlo (16 months), a really friendly and cute little fellow. They are such a sweet family - I love you guys! And I'm stoked you'll be living near me soon in San Francisco!
Mat and Kelly are extremely busy, readying themselves for departure, while at the same time trying to finish a major remodel and construction job on their home - which they are also selling. I'm probably arriving "just" at the wrong time for them, however, they couldn't be kinder and more hospitable. I really hope I'm not in the way!
Anyway, glad to have arrived.
Rest here for a while now, then....onwards!
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